The Application framework ========================= Molly extends Django by formalising the concept of an application. This is acheived by instantiating :class:`~molly.conf.settings.Application` objects and adding then to :data:`~settings.APPLICATIONS` in your ``settings`` module. This document explains how the Application framework works, and should not be a necessary part of your reading unless you intend to write a new Molly application, or have sufficient levels of curiosity. If you don't know whether you want to write an application or a provider, the following section may be useful. For information on writing providers, see :doc:`topics/writing_providers`. Difference between applications and providers --------------------------------------------- Molly is intended to be relatively pluggable, allowing the deploying institution to take whatever provided functionality they choose and, if necessary, integrate it with their own applications. This integration can be done at two levels, the application level, or the provider level. An application is a Python package, usually containing ``urls``, ``models`` and ``views`` modules. An application provides a data model and interface for a particular class of information, for example, PC availability or lecture timetables. A provider is usually a single Python class that connects an application to a data source. A provider might implement some well-known protocol or file format (e.g. RSS for the feeds application), or might connect to a local bespoke system. It is intended that in the majority of cases the implementor should be able to take an already-existing application and need only write the provider that performs the interaction with other systems. Overview of the Application framework ------------------------------------- An :class:`~molly.conf.settings.Application` object is a wrapper around a Python package which hooks in providers and configuration objects for easy access by the application. The definition is as follows: .. class:: molly.conf.settings.Application .. method:: __init__(application_name, local_name, title, **kwargs) Instantiates an Application object. None of the module or package paths are dereferenced yet. ``kwargs`` are mostly left alone and attached to the `~molly.conf.settings.ApplicationConf` class. Some, defined later, have special meanings. :param application_name: a Python package path to the application to be used, e.g. ``'molly.apps.places'``. :type application_name: str :param local_name: a local unique identifier for this instance of the :class:`~molly.conf.settings.Application`. In most cases this will be identical to the last part of ``application_name``. This will be used in almost all cases where an application needs to be referenced. It is also used by the default urlconf creator to determine the URL prefix this site is served under. :type local_name: str :param title: A descriptive title for the application instance to be shown to the user. :type title: unicode or str .. method:: get() Used internally. Creates a configuation object and dereferences all the paths provided to it. Where a ``urls`` module exists it will call :meth:`~molly.conf.settings.Application.add_conf_to_pattern` to walk the urlconf to attach the configuration object to the views. The ApplicationConf returned will have attributes reflecting the ``kwargs`` passed to :meth:`~molly.conf.settings.Application.__init__`. The urlconf will be exposed as a ``urls`` attribute. :rtype: ApplicationConf subclass .. method:: add_conf_to_pattern(pattern, conf, bases) Used internally. Maps the ``conf`` and ``bases`` onto the views contained in ``pattern``. This method creates a new view, with ``conf`` in the class dictionary and the view and ``bases`` as base classes. Specifically:: new_callback = type(callback.__name__ + 'WithConf', (callback,) + bases, { 'conf': conf }) This dynamically creates a new class object. For more information, see the second definition of :func:`type`. When given a :class:`~django.core.urlresolvers.RegexURLPattern` it will return a new :class:`~django.core.urlresolvers.RegexURLPattern` with its callback replaced as above. When given a :class:`~django.core.urlresolvers.RegexURLResolver` it will descend recursively before returning a new :class:`~django.core.urlresolvers.RegexURLResolver` instance. :type pattern: RegexURLResolver or RegexURLPattern instance :type conf: ApplicationConf subclass :type bases: tuple of BaseView subclasses :returns: A copy of the first argument with views replaced as described above. :rtype: RegexURLResolver or RegexURLPattern instance In the vast majority of cases, you will only need to use the constructor, and only in your ``settings`` module. There are a few keyword arguments with special meanings: ``providers`` An iterable of :class:`~molly.conf.settings.Provider` instances to load providers from. ``provider`` (or any keyword ending with provider) A shorthand for ``providers = [`provider`]``. ``display_to_user`` A :class:`bool` used by :mod:`molly.apps.home` to determine whether a link should be rendered for the application on the home page. ``extra_bases`` An iterable of :class:`~molly.conf.settings.ExtraBase` instances, defining extra base classes to add to all views in the application. With suitably defined extra base classes one can override functionality. Application-level authentication may also be added in this manner. ``secure`` A :class:`bool` which if :const:`True` will add :class:`~molly.auth.views.SecureView` as a base class of all views in the application. :class:`~molly.auth.views.SecureView` forces all requests to be made over HTTPS, and provides a ``secure_session`` attribute on :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` objects. ``urlconf`` A module path to the ``urls`` module to use for this application. May be useful if an application uses a non-standard naming, or if you want to override the application-provided urlconf. If not provided, defaults to ``application_name + '.urls'`` ``to_email`` This is optional, and defaults to the admins setting, and refers to the default target for e-mails generated by this app. ``from_email`` This is optional, and sets the e-mail address e-mails generated by this app appears from Here's an example:: APPLICATIONS = [ # ... Application('example.apps.dictionary', 'dictionary', 'Dictionary', provider = Provider('isihac.providers.apps.dictionary.uxbridge'), max_results = 10, ), # ... ] Here we want to use a dictionary application with at most ten results from the Uxbridge English Dictionary. If we wanted to expose two different dictionaries we may wish to do the following:: APPLICATIONS = [ # ... Application('example.apps.dictionary', 'uxbridge_dictionary', 'Uxbridge English Dictionary', provider = Provider('isihac.providers.apps.dictionary.uxbridge'), max_results = 10, ), Application('example.apps.dictionary', 'oxford_dictionary', 'Oxford English Dictionary', provider = Provider('oxford.providers.apps.dictionary.oed'), max_results = 20, ), # ... ] Once hooked into the root urlconf, this would present two links on the home page. Alternatively, if the ``example.apps.dictionary`` application supported multiple providers, we could do this:: APPLICATIONS = [ # ... Application('example.apps.dictionary', 'dictionary', 'Dictionaries', providers = ( Provider('isihac.providers.apps.dictionary.uxbridge', slug='uxbridge', title='Uxbridge English Dictionary'), Provider('oxford.providers.apps.dictionary.oed', slug='oed', title='Oxford English Dictionary'), ), max_results = 10, ), # ... ] Of course, this assumes that the application knows to pick the ``slug`` and ``title`` from each of its providers. To determine the interface between applications and providers, consult the application's documentation. Providers --------- A provider maps an external interface onto the model used by the application. Most applications provide a ``providers.BaseProvider`` class which specifies an interface to be implemented by a provider for that application. .. versionadded:: 1.4 Providers now all subclass ``molly.conf.provider.Provider`` .. Extra base classes .. ------------------ TODO? Task Processing --------------- .. versionadded:: 1.4 Celery is used to provide asynchronous task processing. For an introduction to the basics of Celery we recommend you take a look at the `"Getting Started with Celery"`__ guide. __ Molly uses a modified version of the Celery task decorator located in ``molly.conf.provider.task`` this should be used in a similar the previous @batch decorator to identify any methods on a provider to run async via celery. See this (simplified) example from ``molly.apps.feeds.providers.rss``:: @task(run_every=timedelta(minutes=60)) def import_data(self, **metadata): """ Pulls RSS feeds """ from molly.apps.feeds.models import Feed for feed in Feed.objects.filter(provider=self.class_path): logger.debug("Importing: %s - %s" % (feed.title, feed.rss_url)) self.import_feed.delay(feed) return metadata # Override CELERY_RETRY_DELAY and CELERY_MAX_RETRIES @task(default_retry_delay=5, max_retries=2) def import_feed(self, feed): from molly.apps.feeds.models import Item feed_data = feedparser.parse(feed.rss_url) # Do stuff with feed_data We can iterate through all feeds and launch tasks to import them asynchronously using ``task.delay()``. This convention has been applied through all the standard providers packaged with Molly. Note the default_retry_delay and max_retries are overridden on import_feed. This means each feed will only be retried 2 times, with 5 seconds between each of those retries.