:mod:`molly.apps.service_status` -- Service status ================================================== .. module :: molly.apps.service_status The service status application is intended to display whether services are up or down (or somewhere in between). Configuration ------------- * providers: the information sources Sample:: Application('molly.apps.service_status', 'service_status', 'Service status', providers = [ Provider('molly.apps.service_status.providers.RSSModuleServiceStatusProvider', name='University of Example IT Services', slug='it', url='http://www.example.ac.uk/it/status.rss') ], ), Providers --------- :class:`molly.apps.service_status.providers.RSSModuleServiceStatusProvider` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In the most part, such information would be provided by an RSS feed. We encourage the use of the `service status RSS module`_, the concepts of which are used in the provider interface. .. _service status RSS module: http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/modules/servicestatus/ It supports the following options: * name: The name of the service this feed includes (displayed to the user) * slug: The feed slug * url: The URL of the feed Writing Your Own Providers -------------------------- .. todo:: Complete Views ----- .. todo:: Complete