:mod:`molly.apps.podcasts` -- Podcasts ====================================== .. module :: molly.apps.podcasts Provides an interface to browsing different podcast feeds. Configuration ------------- * providers: a list of providers which can be used to import podcasts Sample:: Application('molly.apps.podcasts', 'podcasts', 'Podcasts', providers = [ Provider('molly.apps.podcasts.providers.OPMLPodcastsProvider', url = 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/opml/bbc_podcast_opml_v2.xml', rss_re = r'http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/(.+)/rss.xml' ), Provider('molly.apps.podcasts.providers.RSSPodcastsProvider', podcasts = [ ('top-downloads', 'http://rss.oucs.ox.ac.uk/oxitems/topdownloads.xml'), ], ), ] ), Providers --------- molly.apps.podcasts.providers.OPMLPodcastsProvider """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This imports RSS feeds as defined in a single OPML file. This provider may be more useful as a base in which to write a custom parser to correctly get metadata, due to the wide variety of methods in which OPML files represent data. It supports the following options: * url: The URL the OPML file lives at * rss_re: A regular expression string which extracts the slug molly.apps.podcasts.providers.RSSPodcastsProvider """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This imports individually specified RSS feeds. It supports the following options: * podcasts: A list of tuples in the form (slug, url) of RSS feeds to import * medium: Whether these feeds are audio or video (or undefined) molly.apps.podcasts.providers.PodcastProducerPodcastsProvider """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This imports podcast producer feeds. It supports one option: * url: The URL to import Writing Your Own Providers -------------------------- .. todo:: Complete Views ----- .. todo:: Complete