:mod:`molly.apps.library` -- Library Search =========================================== .. module :: molly.apps.library This application provides a front-end to electronic library catalogues. Configuration ------------- * provider: the provider which provides search results * library_identifier: if set, this is used to look up entities (from the places app) in this identifier namespace which have the value of the library code as returned by the query Sample:: Application('molly.apps.library', 'library', 'Library search', provider = Provider('molly.apps.library.providers.Z3950', host = 'z3950.copac.ac.uk', syntax = 'XML', database = 'COPAC'), ), Providers --------- molly.apps.library.providers.Z3950 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This provides the library app with the ability to query library catalogues using the Z39.50 protocol. It supports the following options: * host: The hostname of the Z39.50 server to connect to * database: The name of the database on the server to use * port (optional, defaults to 210): The port on which the Z39.50 server listens * syntax (optional, defaults to USMARC): The syntax which the server uses for responses (currently supported: USMARC and XML) * charset (optional, defaults to UTF-8): The encoding to use when communicating with the server * control_number_key (optional, defaults to 12): The 'use attribute' to query on when doing a control number lookup, * results_encoding (optional, defaults to marc8): The encoding results come back in. Valid values are 'marc8' and 'unicode'. Aleph needs 'unicode'. Writing Your Own Providers -------------------------- .. todo:: Complete Views ----- .. todo:: Complete