:mod:`molly.apps.feature_vote` -- Feature Suggestions ===================================================== .. module :: molly.apps.feature_vote This allows users to suggest features and then vote on them. Configuration ------------- This app has no additional configuration. Sample:: Application('molly.apps.feature_vote', 'feature_vote', 'Feature suggestions', display_to_user = False, ), Use --- This app has a Django admin interface, under 'Feature vote' in the admin panel. When you get a feature request (which is sent to the admins as defined in the config) by e-mail, you can then go into the admin panel and either edit it to make it public, by editing the individual issue and ticking 'Is public' and clicking 'Save'. You can also delete features from here (e.g., spam). When a feature is implemented, you can do this by setting the date of when it is implemented in the same edit screen. After 4 weeks, the feature will disappear from the suggestions screen. Also, marking a feature as implemented will notify the original user by e-mail of this, as well as letting all users who voted know by a message on the home page. ``Feature`` ----------- .. autoclass:: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.user_name .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.user_email .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.title .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.description .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.up_vote .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.down_vote .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.created .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.last_commented .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.is_public .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.is_removed .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.implemented_on .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.notifications_sent .. autoattribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.net_votes .. automethod :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.check_remove .. attribute :: molly.apps.feature_vote.models.Feature.vote This attribute only exists when rendered by ``index``, and it contains the way the current user voted (-1, 0 or 1), or 0 if they've not voted yet. Views ----- ``index`` """"""""" This view lives at the ``/`` URL of this app and is handled by :class:`molly.apps.feature_vote.views.IndexView`. This view renders the list of currently active features, and handles voting (via POST) on these features, as well as submission of new features. New features which are submitted are e-mailed to the admins using the template ``feature_vote/feature_create.eml``. The template used to render requests is ``feature_vote/index.html``, and the context procided to this template consists of: * features - a list of currently public and active Feature objects * form - A Django form for new feature submission * submitted - a Boolean indicating whether or not the user just submitted a new idea ``feature-detail`` """""""""""""""""" This view lives at the ``/:id:/`` URL of this app and is handled by :class:`molly.apps.feature_vote.views.FeatureDetailView`. It takes one argument, id, which is the ID of the specific feature to be rendered. Non-existant or non-public features throw a 404. This view renders detail about a particular feature. The template used to render this file is ``feature_vote/feature_detail.html``. The following things are provided in the context: * feature - the feature object being detailed Templates --------- ``feature_vote/feature_create.eml`` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This is the template used for e-mails sent to the site administrators when a new feature is submitted. The following things are in the context: * name - the name of the submitting user * email - the e-mail of the submitting user * title - the title of the submitted idea * description - the description of the submitted idea * feature - the feature object which was submitted This template has no blocks. ``feature_vote/feature_detail.html`` """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This template has no blocks. ``feature_vote/implemented.eml`` """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This is the template used when notifying a submitting user that their idea has been implemented on the site. It has one thing in the context: * feature - the feature object which the user submitted and has been implemented This template has no blocks. ``feature_vote/index.html`` """"""""""""""""""""""""""" This template has no blocks. ``feature_vote/vote.html`` """""""""""""""""""""""""" This is used by ``feature_vote/index.html`` and ``feature_vote/feature_detail.html`` to abstract the voting box (up and down arrows) on features. It has no blocks. Styling ------- ``feature_vote/css/smart.css`` """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This file defines the styling for the voting box, and how comments from superusers are displayed. Media ----- The following images come with this app, and they correspond to the up and down voting arrows, in both an active and disabled ("voted") state. * ``feature_vote/images/vote-up.png`` * ``feature_vote/images/vote-down.png`` * ``feature_vote/images/vote-up-voted.png`` * ``feature_vote/images/vote-down-voted.png``