molly.geolocation – Geolocation

This is a utility app that provides geolocation functionality and the user experience to other apps and users.


  • prefer_results_near (optional, defaults to None): If set, it prefers geolocation results near the (latitude, longitude, distance) tuple
  • providers: providers which provide geocoding
  • history_size (optional, defaults to 5): How many locations should be stored in the history for each user
  • location_request_period (optional, defaults to 180): how often to ask for new locations from users which are updating their location automatically, in seconds


Application('molly.geolocation', 'geolocation', 'Geolocation',
    prefer_results_near = (-1.25821, 51.75216, 5000),
    providers = [
            search_locality = 'Oxford',
    location_request_period = 900,
    display_to_user = False,



This is a provider which matches geocoding requests against entities known in the places app and returns the location, if appropriate. It has one, optional, option:

  • search_identifiers: A limit on which identifier namespaces are to be searched (list of strings)


This providers asks Cloudmade to geocode results. It has one optional option:

  • search_locality: A string of a location with which to limit searching to

Writing Your Own Providers
