:mod:`molly.apps.sakai` -- Sakai integration ============================================ .. module :: molly.apps.sakai Provides a mobile view using the Sakai API. This should be authenticated using the `OAuth authentication API <../auth>`_. Configuration ------------- * host: The host of the Sakai instance * tools: A list of tuples of slugs and names of implemented Sakai tools * identifiers: A list of tuples of (namespace, (search)) of identifiers from Sakai and how they match to Molly user identifier namespaces Sample:: Application('molly.apps.sakai', 'weblearn', 'WebLearn', host = 'https://weblearn.ox.ac.uk/', service_name = 'WebLearn', secure = True, tools = [ ('signup', 'Sign-ups'), ('poll', 'Polls'), ], extra_bases = ( ExtraBase('molly.auth.oauth.views.OAuthView', secret = SECRETS.weblearn, signature_method = OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT(), base_url = 'https://weblearn.ox.ac.uk/oauth-tool/', request_token_url = 'request_token', access_token_url = 'access_token', authorize_url = 'authorize', ), ), enforce_timeouts = False, identifiers = ( ('oxford:sso', ('props', 'aid',)), ('weblearn:id', ('id',)), ('oxford:oss', ('props', 'oakOSSID',)), ('oxford:ldap', ('props', 'udp.dn',)), ('weblearn:email', ('email',)), ), ), Views ----- .. todo:: Complete