– Contact search

This application provides contact search functionality


  • provider: the provider which provides contact search results


Application('', 'contact', 'Contact search',
    provider = Provider(''
                        url='ldap://', base_dn='dc=mit,dc=edu'),


This queries an LDAP server for contact details. It takes three options:

  • url: The URL to the LDAP server to use
  • base_dn: The base DN to use when searching the LDAP tree
  • phone_prefix (optional, defaults to blank): A prefix to add to phone numbers, e.g., if your LDAP servers only store extension numbers, you can add the prefix to make it externally callable here (e.g., ‘+44190443’). This is not used when phone_formatter is set.
  • phone_formatter (optional, defaults to nothing): A custom “number formatter”. The option expects to have a callable (either a function defined elsewhere in your settings file, or a lambda defined there) which is called with the raw phone number from LDAP and is expected to return a normalised phone number. Use this is you need more advanced logic than the phone_prefix option can give you.
  • alphabetical (defaults to False): A boolean which indicates whether or not results from the LDAP server should be sorted alphabetically by surname.
  • query (defaults to ‘(sn={surname})’): This is the query which is passed to the LDAP server. It uses new style string formatting and has two fields available ‘forename’ and surname.

Writing Your Own Providers

A contact provider must inherit BaseContactProvider and expose the following interface:


A class object inheriting Form to be presented to the user and used for input validation. If not overriden, defaults to GenericContactForm, which presents a single query field.


An attribute consisting of a list of tuples of the media supported by this provider (e.g., phonebook, e-mail address list, etc), where the tuple is the form (‘key’, ‘description’). The key is what is passed as the medium on the normalize_query method, and the description is what is shown to the user.

normalize_query(cleaned_data, medium)

An attribute consisting of a list of tuples of the media supported by this provider (e.g., phonebook, e-mail address list, etc), where the tuple is the form (‘key’, ‘description’). The key is what is passed as the medium on the normalize_query method, and the description is what is shown to the user.


This method performs a contact lookup based on **kwargs.

Each result must be a dictionary containing some subset of the following keys (taken from RFC 4519 which defines standard LDAP attributes):

  • cn (common name)
  • givenName
  • sn (surname)
  • telephoneNumber
  • facsimileTelephoneNumber
  • mail (e-mail addresses)
  • roomNumber
  • title (job role, etc.)
  • ou (organisational unit, e.g. department)

With the exception of cn, all should be lists.

Additionally, a result may contain an id item, containing a unique identifier which may be passed to fetch_result(). ids must be URI-safe and not contain forward slashes.

This can return if the provider (or underlying services) deems that the query has returned “too many results”


May optionally be defined to return the full record for a person, where it is decided that perform_query() should return a subset of the available fields.

If defined, the default results template will provide a link to a page for the individual.

If the ID is invalid, self.NoSuchResult is raised



This view lives at the / URL of this app and is handled by

This view renders contact/index.html, providing the following context:

  • form: A form defined by the provider to use as the input for searching
  • medium_choices: A list of tuples, representing the different media the provider can search (e.g., phone book, e-mail address list), in the format specified by

There are no overridable blocks provided by this template, but the search form is rendered by the separate template contact/search_form.html


This view lives at results/ in this app and is handled by

This view renders contact/result_list.html providing the following context:

  • form: The form used to perform the search
  • medium: The medium selected for this query
  • results: The list of results (as returned by
  • message: If set, any error messages generated in the search

There are no overridable blocks provided by this template, but each individual result is rendered by contact/result.html


The view lives at results/:ID: in this app, and is handled by

This view renders contact/result_detail.html providing the following context:

  • result: The result object (as returned by to be rendered)

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