:mod:`molly.apps.transport` -- Transport dashboard ================================================== .. module :: molly.apps.transport A dashboard page which takes transport related data from the places app and displays it in a friendlier way Configuration ------------- * train_station: A string in the form 'scheme:value' identifying the entity to use as the train station on the page (this is the same form as in /places/scheme:value/) * train_station_nearest: A boolean (defaulting to False) specifying that if the user has a location set, whether or not they should instead be shown their closest rail station instead. * nearby: A dictionaries of entity types where values are in the form: (entity-type-slug, number to show). The keys form the values of the div ids in the rendered remplate. * transit_status_provider: A provider which provides statues * park_and_rides: if specified, then the park and ride entities are shown on the page in the order specified (scheme:value strings) * travel_alerts: Whether or not to display travel alerts on this page Sample:: Application('molly.apps.transport', 'transport', 'Transport', train_station = 'crs:OXF', nearby = { 'bus_stops': ('bus-stop', 5), }, park_and_rides = ('osm:W4333225', 'osm:W4329908', 'osm:W34425625', 'osm:W24719725', 'osm:W2809915'), travel_alerts = True, transit_status_provider = 'molly.apps.transport.providers.TubeStatusProvider', ), Providers --------- ``molly.apps.transport.providers.TubeStatusProvider`` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This is a provider which provides the current running Tube line status. It has no options. Writing Your Own Providers -------------------------- The Transport app chiefly uses providers from the places app, however, if you want to show current "transit line" status, then you can do this by writing a custom provider and providing that to the ``transit_status_provider`` setting. Transit status providers are simple and only have to provide one method, following the format below: .. autoclass:: molly.apps.transport.providers.BaseTransitLineStatusProvider .. automethod :: molly.apps.transport.providers.BaseTransitLineStatusProvider.get_status Views ----- ``index`` """"""""" The transport app only has one page, and subsequentally, one view. This view lives at the ``/`` URL of this app and is handled by :class:`molly.apps.transport.views.IndexView`. This view is location sensitive, and accepts one parameter in the GET request. * board: The 'board' to be rendered for the train station, either ``arrivals`` or ``departures``. This view renders ``transport/index.html`` providing the following context: * ``location``: The location of the current user * ``train_station`` (only if set in the config): The train station entity to render the departure/arrivals board for. * ``park_and_rides``: A list of entities specified in the park and ride setting * ``transit_status``: If set, represents the transit status to be rendered. * ``transit_status.service_name``: the name of the transit line service being rendered * ``transit_status.line_statuses``: a list of line statuses: * ``transit_status.line_statuses.*.line_id``: an identifier from the service of this line (not necessarily human readable) * ``transit_status.line_statuses.*.line_name``: a human readable or "well known" name for this line. * ``transit_status.line_statuses.*.status``: A short summary of the status of this line * ``transit_status.line_statuses.*.disruption_reason``: Optional, and contains a more detailed description of any problems on the line * ``nearby``: a dictionary of transport-related nearby things, as specified in the config file. The keys represent an identifier, and the values are structured as dictionaries like so: * ``nearby.*.type``: the EntityType for these objects * ``nearby.*.entities``: the list of Entities to be rendered * ``nearby.*.results_type``: A string, either "Favourite" or "Nearby" indicating whether or not these places are nearby, or favourites. * ``travel_alerts``: An optional list of entities, ordered by distance from the user of current travel alerts. Where entities are referred to, the full documentation is as laid out in :doc:`ref/apps/places` Templates --------- ``transport/index.html`` """""""""""""""""""""""" This template contains the following blocks: * ``transport-links``: A list of buttons which canbe used to jump to particular parts of the page. This defaults to Bus Stops, Park and Rides, Rail Stations and Travel Alerts. If any of those things are not being rendered, then they are hidden. Any additional anchors should be added to this block. Styling ------- transport/css/smart.css """"""""""""""""""""""" This is an overridable CSS file. It defines CSS selectors for the anchor buttons at the top of the page, park and ride capacity indicators, background images for the appropriate sections and styling for London Underground transit status displays. Media ----- The following images are bundled in the ``transport/images/`` directory: * ``bus.png``, ``bus.svg`` and ``bus-small.png``: Icons to indicate the section of the page dealing with bus stops, in various forms. * ``pride.png``, ``pride.svg`` and ``pride-small.png``: Icons to indicate the park and ride section of the page. * ``train.png``, ``train.svg`` and ``train-small.png``: Icons to indicate the rail station section of the page. * ``warn.png``, ``warn.svg`` and ``warn-small.png``: Icons to indicate the travel alerts section of the page.