Application media ================= .. note:: This is information for people developing applications and wanting to use Molly's media framework. If you're just interested in customising the look and feel of Molly, see the :doc:`customising tutorial <../tutorial/customising>`. Molly uses `django-staticfiles `_ and `django-compress `_ to collate and merge media files from various sources. Source media locations ---------------------- A set of base media are pulled in from :file:`molly/media/`. Each molly application may also define a :file:`media/` subdirectory, from which Molly will pull media related to that particular application. Finally, the site may provide additional media to override the defaults in :file:`/site_media/`. In each of these locations media are organised within a directory bearing the name of the application that uses them. For example:: molly/apps/contact/ media/ contact/ css/ [...] js/ [...] images/ [...] molly/ media/ base/ css/ [...] [...] your_site/ site_media/ contact/ images/ override_some_icon.png base/ css/ [Add your own style here] Collating media --------------- Media are collated into :const:`settings.STATIC_ROOT`, which is defined to be the same as :const:`settings.MEDIA_ROOT`. To invoke ``django-staticfiles`` to collate the media: .. code-block:: bash $ python build_static -l --noinput The ``-l`` option causes it to use symlinks instead of copying files. This has the added advantage that when editing your media during development you don't have to invoke ``build_static`` after every change. .. note:: You will however need to invoke ``build_static`` if you add new media files, so as to create the new symlinks from :const:`~settings.STATIC_ROOT`. Compressing media ----------------- Molly encourages the use of ``django-compress`` to merge and tidy up CSS and JavaScript files. Media are merged into a directory :file:`c/` within :const:`~settings.STATIC_ROOT`, with the first fragment of the path removed. ``django-compress`` also adds a timestamp to each compressed file's filename. Thus, :file:`contact/css/index.css` and :file:`base/css/index.css` would be merged into :file:`c/css/index.r12345678.css`. To reference the combined media group from a template you should load the ``compressed`` template library using ``{% load compressed %}`` at the beginning of the template file. You may then use ``{% compressed_js %}`` and ``{% compressed_css %}`` to generate the required ``